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Wednesday, June 30, 2004

transcends 1.8" portable harddrive

Here is a pretty good review of transcends 1.8" portable harddrive. It's quite spiffy. .7 does really make a difference when finding a portable hard drive. Just check it out.

transcends 1.8" portable harddrive

sony's double layer dvd burner

I just saw this at amazon, sony's double layer dvd burner. It lets you burn on both sides of a compatible dvd which gives you a total of 8,5 gb of storage per dvd. This is pretty cool. I wonder how much a double layer dvd is though. But this is cool nonetheless.

sony's double layer dvd burner

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

bye bye techtv

TechTv is no more. They have now been officially replaced by the g4 site. Which has now become g4techtv. I am deeply saddened by this event because I enjoyed the techtv programming so much like their Fresh Gear, The Screen Savers and everything inbetween. I would watch TechTv all day while working. will be missed.


interesting cube design computers

Interesting new designs for some computers.

cube designs

Monday, June 28, 2004

welcome to mesa court

I missed the mark and the last installment of the the Lord of the Rings has been released. I didn't think i'd like this trilogy, but it was pretty cool. Get the return of the king on dvd now.

I can't wait for the whole thing to come in a boxed set.

why the mesa court in the title? Well, you see where I went to college, there were 2 dorm factions. I lived in wonderful Mesa Court which was kind of like in a middle of a forest, whereas our opposing dorms were that of Middle Earth, based on....(gee I wonder) which was located right on campus and didn't look anything like a forest. So that's whats with the names.

Now go checkout the dvds! especially the Platinum editions.
LoTR: Return of the King
LoTR: Fellowship of the RIng: Special Platinum Edition
LoTR: The Two Towers: Special Platinum Edition