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Thursday, May 27, 2004

can you find the simpsons?

This guy has created a pretty detailed map of the simpsons' hometown of springfield, usa.

Check it out here.

Watch some of their episodes on dvd!

springfield, usa
season 4 dvd

flexible digital screen

Check out this really cool technology. It's a flexible digital screen. Can you imagine the ramifications? I can't wait till thos becomes main stream, then you can have pda's that are really thin, and to view web pages and them, you can just pull out the screen.

flexible digital screen.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

back on track

I got off track these past few days. But now here I come with some really cool stuff!

First up. Gillette's motorized razor shaver. How crazy is this? It's a razor that has some motor that creates this pusle to get that closre shave. Kinda reminds me of the skit on snl or madtv, where they had the razor with 14 blades!

Next up: New possible sidekick by danger. Looks pretty cool. Should have a nice built in camera and looks like it has a digital pad.

This sweet house is really cool. It's kinda like my dream house, except mine would have hallways wide enough to have a 2 lane road way for my golf carts! woohoo!

Gillette's motorized razor shaver
sidekick by danger
sweet house

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

cute chick at the gym

I keep seeing this one really cute chick at the gym every monday. She always wears some kind of hat and has her pink mini ipod strapped to her arm. Short hair with blond tips...Not that I checked her out or anything. =D There's also this other chick with long hair, adoreable as hell. Both look korean. mmm...yummy. hehe. sweaty girls....yummy.

One of these days I will talk to them, but not at the gym. Who came up with that etiquette? Ya know? the one where it's bad to pick up a chick at the gym? I thought thats a great place. hmmm....but i've noticed that no one really hooks up at the gym, they just stare at each other. but then again, when I'm workin out, I'm usually in that zone where all I want to do is kick some ass and keep working out, and just listen to my music. I also noticed that even whne guys talk to each other, its no more than a few words, like, 'u usin that?' or 'u done with that?' with replies like 'yeah, g'head' or 'nah.'

Really funny stuff. Even when I see my friends there, all we say is 'sup' talk real quick like what we're workin out on, and thats about it. Funny.

But I must admit that the book I'm reading, odd thomas by dean koontz is beginning to be really compelling. This marks the first time that I have been able to hold myself back from reading the whole book in one day. That's the only thing I hate about Dean Koontz books. I just have to read them all really quick. Anyhow, this books at least keeps me on the elliptical machine for 45 mins.

Oye vay.

odd thomas by dean koontz

damn it!

I missed my dentist appointment again. I got there and I thought I was on time, but according to them my appointment was at 2pm not 2:30. What a pain in the ass. I even got there right on time. At least according to my schedule. Man, my teeth are hurting like crazy!!!


Monday, May 24, 2004


Ever get the feeling that you're being followed? Lately when I take my dog for a walk, I keep having the strangest feeling that I'm being followed. It's really creepin me out.


Sunday, May 23, 2004

reality schmality

I think I've become brainwashed with all of the reality shows out there. I can't stand to watch them yet I am constantly hearing about them on the radio, talk shows, and people around. Total sensory overload. It;s making me wonder about the reality show that is life. Where I am the viewer and semi-participant and everyone around me are the characters in the show. With the only thing I can do is change the scenery. I must admit, my personal reality show is more interesting than those on tv, only because these people around me are much more dramatic an doutlandish than anyone I've ever see on tv.

Even now I wish I could just change the channel or fast forward or something. Does that make sense?

Ahh screw it.

friendster can be fun and dangerous

I'm curious to know if anyone still does the friendster thing. I mean, has it become passe now? Same thing with myspace. I canceled my accounts a few months ago becuase of stupid people trying to add me and it just got annoying. Although it was fun for the first few weeks, it seemed to become useless b/c of everyone just adding everyone else for the sake of it.

Just a thought.

I'm just fed up with all this connectivity and linkability. Whatever happened to the good old days, of meeting up for bbq's and stuff? All this crap is still like a freegin popularity contest. Who has the most testimonials, friends, acquaintences? I bet these people never thought about the possibility of having other people look them up on friendster to see what they're really like. WEspecialy for things like job interviews, or things along those lines. I mean, what if you are associated with some shady people that you added simply because you wanted to have all those friends? And you go in for an interview at some great comapny who just happens to friendster you. They see your cohorts and don't give you the job. They don't know that you don't really know that person. Same thing with possible relationships. I mean, we all know the concept of 6 degrees of separation, but it's different when we actually see it.

For instnace when I would add friends and see who they were friends with, I was shocked that they knew my exes., and that my exes were actually friends as well. Now I'm not one to date within a circle of friends, but what are the possibilities of women I've dated over the years being friends? We're not talking about 6 degress of separate we're talking more like 3. And none of the girls i've dated lived in the same city or even county! Now that was some freaky stuff.

Now imagine what would happen if the differnet circle of friends you traveled in came together along with theirs, and theirs. Only 3 degrees down. All of a sudden you're associated with people you'd normally not associate with, maybe hang out with at a party but thats it. This kind of scenario isn't all too improbable, except in real life the association is fleeting whereas at places like friendster and myspace, or as I like to call it, myspace2myplace, the associations look solid.

Maybe I'm paranoid. But that's what I think. Really freaky stuff. With the rise of these types of sites, it's fun to see the 6 degrees of separation in action but scary to see the possible effects.

Getting laid - good
Not getting hired - bad

That's my rant and explanation for those of you who keep on asking me why i'm not on friendster or myspace one word. paranoia. =D

Friday, May 21, 2004

have you heard the bzz?

I just read in fast company about this company called BzzAgent where people sign up to tell others about some new products that are coming out. Its basically like marketing except you dont get paid to just say some scripted stuff. If you don't like the product you dont have to tell people. If you like it then you can tell people. It's a really interesting concept. One I am sure to test out just because it seems like fun.

fast company

IE Sucks

I've been getting messages telling me that this site is not showing up properly in Internet Explorer. All I can say is tuff! If you're still using IE you should be edumecated. Anyhow, I don't really care, it shows up properly everywhere else, especially if you're using mozilla.


really sweet tool


There's this tool at that lets you easily post pics to your blog. If yer already a member at then it's really easy and free!

There is no pic limit. And it's really simple to use. Check it out.


magic bullet blender

Has anyone seen this? The magic bullet blender? It looks like a really spiffy blender, that does a bunch of stuff, but I am wary of getting it b/c it's from an infomercial.

I'm interested in buying it but just neet to make sure.

magic bullet blender?

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

angels and demons

I finally got angels and demons by dan brown. After practicaly 2 months of waiting, I finally got it today. Stupid book club. I'm so glad I'm out of it.

angels and demons

the dead zone

FInally the second season of the dead zone is out on dvd. Here is yet another great show from USA Networks that doesn't involve a lot of crap or gratuitous violence, although I thoroughly enjoy those as well.

I can't wait for the new season.

the dead zone

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

treo 610

I was reading the latest issue of business 2.0 with Jeff Hawkins on the cover, and guess what? They mentioned the possibility of a treo 610 by the summer with a major upgrade sometime in 2005. Basically it reiterated the better screen, bluetooth and possible beter camera.

Can't wait for that! If I can't get the motorola v600 then I'm gonna wait for the treo and get that bad boy.

motorola v600
business 2.0

Monday, May 17, 2004

It's vegas baby!

Man I really love this show! Las Vegas rocks! Not only is it gripping with its wonderful storylines, but the chicas are sizzling hot! I mean hot! Did I mention they were hot?

I mean shoot, I know its tv and all but dang, could they get any hotter?

Dang...and to think they film nearby in carson city. They actually built a casino!

oye. shows on!

Not much has been going on, but I recently rediscovered the wonderful world of radio. I finally got tired of listening to all of my mp3 and wanted some fresh stuff, so while I was driving around, I decided to listen to the radio.

And then it came on...hoobatsank. What a great song. I am going to buy the album soon, but not sure when. Defiinitely when I get some moolah.

But thats all I wanted to say. There were some other great songs, but they didn't mention who the singer/groups were so I had to settle with just knowing that it sounded good.


whats with girls these days?

Whats with the world today? I came across this site through fleshbot. oye vay. you rate these girls and donate money so they can get breast implants.

Then there;s this other site where they already got implants and you rate them. yeesh.

I mean I like boobs as much as the next guy but seriously, natural is so much better! let's stop with the implants and stay naturale! I mean, implants are fun to look at but they aint fun to play with. And with naturals...they are both fun to look at and play with.

yeesh. thats all.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

funniest story ever!

This is a great story about how this guy was selling a G4 powerbook and noticed he was getting scammed. So he began this mini quest to scam the scammer. THe pdf is a bit lon but really great. I am trying to figure out how much the scammer paid in duty fees.


the most comfortable chair ever

I bought this 6 ft foof chair and it's by far the greatest thing I have ever sat in. It just totally molds to you so as soon as you get in it, your pretty much set. Homer Simpson would kill someone for one of these!

It's great for the occasional naps and reading and just lounging around. Definitely better than the bean bag chairs of yesteryear.

But if you think its too big for you, you can get the little brother, 4 ft. foof chair

the bigger brother.

4ft. foof chair
6 ft foof chair

weird stuff

Some weird stuff going on about robot sex. There's this game called roboho where you are this robot pimp and you try to get as many fembots to make money for you. oye vay.

ALso check out fleshbot. Some cool stuff.

Here is a link to see Lindsay Lohan's supposed nipple pic. She's got some big boobs on her!

Thanks to Jane Pinckard and gizmodo!
Lindsay Lohan

Saturday, May 15, 2004

breaking vegas

On the history channel today, I saw this documentary on the MIT Blackjack team. Pretty interesting stuff about card counting and how this team was put together to win. They won a lot of money. I think I am going to try my hand at memorizing it and seeing what happens the next time I go to vegas, which should be relatively soon.

Edward thorpe wrote this book. he is the one credited with basically devising hte formulas for beating black jack.

It looks like it'll be a great read. muahahahaha

Edward thorpe

sweet full house

Does anyone remember the show full house? remember stephanie? the mid kid? Jodie Sweet. Well, she was on E! for this kids stars, and man, she grew up to be hot! She's married but dang, that one threw me for a loop. I knew she'd be cute, but wow!

take a gander. This is an old photo...umm...yeah...

sweet dvds.

I have been on the hunt for some great dvd shows. One of my favorites is on sale. I can't believe I didn't look for it earlier.

Dead like me. What an awesome show from showtime. Great character development as well as story telling and direction. Really smart and witty. George is really cute. There are some moments when she looks funky, but then there are times when she's downright cute. I can't wait till the second season but thats not for another 2 months. oye!

six feet under first season.
six feet under second season. This too is such a great show. Great writing and acting. I haven't seen this show in some time but I do remember it was really great. I almost cried when the wife was found killed. Did I ruin it for anyone? hehe.

Freaks and geeks. Ah man. I couldn't beleive my ears when I heard this series was cancelled. Stupid asses! freaks and geeks. I mean, c'mon, obvisouly this is for edumecated people but those network exexs just couldn't understand it. oye. but at least we can now watch it on dvd!

Dead like me
six feet under first season
six feet under second season
freaks and geeks

what a night

After playing hookey all day yesterday I decided it was time to finally go out. It wasn't a bad night. Pretty tame. Went to this little club that played live jazz. I really like jazz, before I didn't really like it, but I must admit, it was really fun. The waitress/server was kinda cute too. She kept getting cuter throughout the night, I doubt it was the drinks. I think it was her hair and her tats. She had some great tats on her neck and back. She even got me some of the cherries you put into sodas, how great is that?! Man, I wish I took a pic of her. I wiwsh my game wasn't off either, b/c I'd like to think she was flirting with me, but I'm sure thats what they always do.

And there was this other girl there, she looked like a bobble head doll. Seriously a really big head. But she had a cute friend that looked like a happa but not really. mmm......happa.

Then it was off to Denny's for a late night snack and hours of talking.

Nothing really interested said other than lots of jokes going around.

Dang I need to get a camera phone or something. I really like the motorola v600. Now if only I can get some sort of deal.

motorola v600

Thursday, May 13, 2004

what a game!

I just got home and now I can write about that amazing game! I can't believe how it really came down to the wire. I mean first the Lakers were up by 16 in the 2nd quarter. Then the spurs came up. Man, what a come back. Finally in the fourth quarter, the Lakers were up by 1 after Kobe made a great shot at 5.4 secs. But then it happened. Duncan got the ball and made a fade away shot, and got the lead by 1! With .4 seconds left! POINT 4! The crowd went nuts. Everyone knew they won. All they had to do was guard everyone well, especially Kobe.

But then... the Lakers passed the ball in to Fisher, who as soon as he got the ball, he turned and shot it. Right at the buzzer! I went nuts, everyone went nuts! Lakers won! Ah man, you should have seen the crowd. The crowd got so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Ah man, the most exciting seconds ever in the history of the NBA,


paper street tea co.

In talking with Teanas Tea Co. we have decided to move forward and change the company name to Paper Street Tea Co. Catchy eh? If yer in the know the name comes from Fight Club. A really great movie. The basis is that in the movie, the house they lived in was on Paper St. It basically symbolizes a new beginning.

We're going to wind down Teanas Tea Co. website and convert it to the new one by July with a whole new design and new packaging. A definite new beginning. Both for the company as well as myself.

Paper Street Tea Co......It sounds better and is easy to spell.

Look out for us in July, but until then, you can still buy teas at Teanas Tea Co..

Teanas Tea Co.
Fight Club
Paper Street Tea Co.

anyone? anyone?

So I have been thinking a lot about life and stuff, and a thought popped into my head. I know I'm not alone in this unusal world, but what if I really am. What if all the peope around me are mere players in this cruel game of life. I don't want to say matrix, but rather more like the movie The thirtheenth floor. For those of you that don't know the movie, let me ruin it for you. It's basically about this group of game programmers that create this virtual world where they are able to jack themselves in and play as one of hte characters. Kind of like matrix in reverse. So anyways, they end up finding out that the world they thought they were in was actually a fake world, and that they were a virutal world that in itself created a virtual world. get it?

So basically I feel that I'm in this alternate reality trying to understand how to get out, if there is in fact a way out. Make sense? Sure does to me. Maybe it's just the frustration of being so secluded all of the time that I am driving myself insane. Or maybe its because I dont have satellite tv anymore so all I can watch are dawson creek reruns. Either way, this blows. Seems like time and the world is at a standstill for me while its going full blast for those around me.

Stupid world, wheres the damn play button on my life remote?!

Thirteenth Floor

cute guest blogger at gizmodo

Gizmodo has a cute guest blogger this week reporting from E3. Jane Pinckard.

She also has a fun blog. Click on the link above.

Jane Pinckard

go qualcomm!

Looks like qualcomm is still the badass company I knew it'd be. Click on the link above and read about how their new chips are allowing for 6 megapixel cameras. Man, I wish cdma was prevolent here instead of just on sprint. In Korea, they have coverage everywhere! And their phones rock b/c of the single standard. I used to get full signal bars way below ground in the subways while I can't even get more than 2 bars here at home.

Anyway, they rock.


Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Practically the ultimate dvd player

Amazon has a great deal on a panasonic dvd player that plays dvd, divx, xvid, dvd+rw and can be region unlocked by the remote. And its only $65!


board games galore!

I've been reading lately that board games are making a come back. But last time I checked there weren't that many cool board games out there. Playroom Entertainment has some pretty cool games. Just check out the killer bunnies. That's just asking for it! If you loved playing mafia in college, this game takes it up a notch and then some! For more info. check out


hybrid cars don't save that much gas

So as it turns out, hybrids don't live up to the hype of their gas mileage. That kinda blows too because I would have liked to have gotten one because 60 miles to the gallon is nothing to sneeze at. But it turns out that its really more like 35 miles to the gallon. Not much better but better still than regular cars, but I'd rather get a real car that burns 30 miles to the gallon for all the extra perks.


techtv layoffs

I know this is old news, but I have to mention in, because how sad I am about it. TechTv has laid off everyone as G4 has bought them out. No word yet on which shows will stay on, but G4 has said they will rehire for 80 positions but they have to move to LA.

Stupid G4. They better keep The Screensavers and Fresh Gear. Man even the anime stuff was kickass.

So that's that. Good luck techtv!


Tuesday, May 11, 2004

i've been hermit-cised

I think I can officially say that I have become a hermit. It has been quite some time since I actually went out for fun. When I mean for fun, I mean for something other than to discuss business or even think about work.

How can this be? What happened? How do people actually do it? How do you find time in the day to do everything? blah. Even better, how do you find he money to do everything? After paying bills and everything else, it's hard to find the money to actually go out. I mean, I could use credit cards, but then I will always be behind. Is that the answer? get into debt now in order to have fun?


Swiching gears. So by now I am sure most of you have heard of friendster and myspace, or as i like to say myspace2myplace. Perhaps its just me but i got sick of those sites long ago, because psychos that I used to know kept wanting to be my friend and all that jazz. Now I know that its great to meet old friends, but whats the point really? I mean, there;s a reason we don;t chat anymore and it;s not because all of a sudden, we mutually lost each others numbers, email addy, home addy, and all that stuff. It's because I didnt want to be freinds with you! Yet some people don't understnad that when the request is denied, there;s a reason as well. Of which could be that, hey, we were never friends to begin with, so dont start adding random people to make yourself look cool. You know who you thing that I have heard good news about though is of people hooking up for one nighters. thats pretty spiffy, but of course you have to make sure that you are separated by enough friends so that you won't run into each other at some gathering. That'd be really embarassing.

blah. did i mention how much i like the new blogger interface? great job google! do no evil!

PSP first looks

The Sony PSP finally was shown at E3 today. It looks really awesome. But no word on the battery life, of which I am sure it will suck. go to Gizmodo to check it out. They also images of the Nintendo DS, which I think will tank. But I have been wrong before.

But all in all, the PSP does look really sweet and the hardware specs are really top notch. Too bad we won't see until spring of 2005. Japan gets it earlier of course.

near death experience

Now in other news. I was almost killed the other night while walking my dog. I had been going up this main street and I stopped so my dog can do his business, when I hear this car grumbling down the street. I saw the car and it was barreling down a residential street at about 60mph. I'm thinking, I hope he can brake in time, but before I even finish that thought, the car hit the curb, then jumped the street towards me and my dog. I saw a persons head out the passenger window, then I yank the leash and we begin to run out of the way, After taking no more than about 4 or 5 steps, i hear the finally CRASH! BANG! I turn around, and the car has hit the light pole which was subsequently knocked over and then out came this girl screaming PLEASE HELP! She then sat down on the sidewalk, as neighbors began coming out. The car was blaring music and all the girl could say was that she was not on drugs and that she was looking around for a cd.

Turns out she had just left her parents house a few blocks away and basically she was retarded in that she was hunting around her glove and floor for a cd while speeding down a residential street, not wearing a seat belt, and who knows what else. But that was her story. Her car was completely totaled. I didnt get a look at it, but it looked like an american car. She is 20 years old.

This was my first time I actually witnessed a pretty bad accident first hand. I had always wondered what it'd be like to see an accident. And damn, it sucked. But I'm glad that everyone was ok, especially me and my dog.

One thing to note was that just before she came down the street, there was this porsche just sitting there at the intersection just revving his engine for like 30 seconds. And so when he took off I had assumed the other car coming full blast was a friend of his and he was waiting for it to come. But that obviously wasn't the case since after the accident occured he was long gone and didn't come back. I thought that was weird, but when I look back, I probably would not have survived because had I not been already looking in that direction I probably wouldn't have seen the car hit the curb and come towards us. It was real quick too. Very scary.

new design!

So I decided to redesign the layout. It's just another template, but I think it looks better and cleaner, especially since I took out most of the ads. But not all, since I still need to pay bills.

Hope ya'll like it!

PS2 price drop

The Sony PS2 has dropped in price to $150.
I am now thinking of actually getting this system, but I may wait a bit longer to see if there will be further price drops. But regardless this is still a sweet deal for the system. Especially with all of the games out there.

Another thing that'd be really cool would be if they could somehow make it so that the PSP connects to the PS2 or make the games interchangeable. hmmm....

Sunday, May 02, 2004

hey totoro!

So the weekend has wound down and what happened. let's see. not much. It was hotter than hot, and when I say hot, I mean it was at the point where you could see steam rising from the concrete when you splash some water on it.

One thing that I want to mention before any of this is that man, that chick flick 'mean girls' has some really cute chicks. seriously. The main girl, something lohan i! yup. watch out for her, she's gonna be someone to look for. And I could have sworn in the commercials that the little girl from Party of five was in it. But not sure, b/c i dont recall her name. And I'm too lazy to look it up.

Anyhow, onto some stuff that I wanted to check out and buy but was unable to.

Apple ipod mini. Man this thing went on sale and has yet to be available! argh!

new apple ipod?

So I may just wait for the supposed new apple ipod, that will sport 50gb and a 2 in. color screen as well as video out capability and you'll be able to see pics on it. That'd be nice, b/c then I could just upload my pics to the ipod and not worry about storage. On that note, Steve Jobs has said many times that he doesn't see the viability of making a portable video player. but we'll see. He said that about the ipod before he launched it. But seriously, I dont see it either. It'd be nice, but really, whats the point. I mean it'd probably do well in places where you have a lot of travel time like on a subway, but I dont see it here. What'd really be kickass would be to have an lcd screen inside your car with the video in adapter for the new ipod. Then that'd make sense. Also when going to friends houses, you can burn a dvd onto it (legally of course) then watch it at your friends place, without worrying about leaving the dvd or wrecking. I lost so many dvds like that, by leaving them at friends and then by the time I realize it, i don't know where I had it last! So let's wait and see.

Treo 610?

There's also a rumor over at treocentral about the treo 610. It says it may only be for verizon but man it'd be sweet if it was a true update. Supposedly it will have a 320x320 color screen, more memory and bluetooth. That'd definitely make me want to buy one. We'll wait and see.

angels and demons
So I'm still waiting for this book from It was shipped like 3 weeks ago. Stupid book clubs. I am totally gonna get out asap!
Then I'll be able to read the da vinci code.


Interesting new show on A&E, family plots. true life version of Six Feet Under, which itself is a great show. Man, I wish I had hbo again. Now that reminds me of a great showtime show, Dead Like Me. When's that coming back?!

Enough rambling. I'm still debating what direction to take this blog before I change it out to something else. For now, it'll be me talking about movies, technology and tv.

And that's enough for today, tomorrow is going to be a long day of work. It's going to be a great and hectic week. Can't wait.

Saturday, May 01, 2004

movies galore!

So i've been away for quite some time now. A lot has been going on. I have been working feverishly to get some extra income going so I can begin my online dvd venture.

you can see it at As the name implies, the movies that I will be dealing with are mainly from overseas, namely the asian markets.

I am not sure which dvds I will post up first, but they will be worthwhile. So check it out often. It should be ready for prime time soon.

Some cool stuff to check out are

muvo player. Just take out the harddrive and you have your own 4gb compact flash compatible hdd.

There's been quite a few books I have read too, but I will list those later.

You may have noticed the google ads. Finally got approved, so let's click those links!

The most recent movie i watched was Identity with John Cusack. First I love John Cusack, but wow, this movie was kick ass. It was quite the thriller. From beginning to end, its one of those mind benders that's like wtf when you realize what your watching. But man, its worth it. I am going to buy the dvd just so i can see if there is anything I missed.

Then we have kill bill. Quentin Tarantino, yeah he's really bad ass from reservoir dogs to pulp fiction. His movies have been pretty great, but damn! This stuff is really serious biz. I saw it in theatres twice! Yes, it wsa that good. I also saw Kill Bill vol. 2. Some people didn't like it as much, but I enjoyed. I liked it a lot b/c i didnt see it as a sequel. It was just a continuation of the first one. Granted the ending left me blue balled. but it was still great nonetheless.

Couple of books I actually read for pleasure were digital fortress and bible code 2. digital fortress was great b/c of what it entailed. the story itself was really great and mysterious. but then when you began figuring out what was going on, it became extremely predictable. but it was fun to read. A nice day.

Then we have Bible Code 2. I really liked the first one which got me thinking about time travel, are we alone, all that stuff. This one is basically the same stuff but updated. It shouldn't even be called 2. It should be like an extended version of the first book. Quick read and we'll see if the world ends or World War 3 happens in 2006 which is what it says is the year of 'annihilation' which means basically the apocalypse, end of mankind, etc. or there will be reached a new peace that will last for many years between the major nations. we'll see.

If that comes true, then oye vay!

recent movies & books

Identity. mind blower.
Kill bill - its a quentin tarantino movie. Need I say more?
Bible Code II - realy quick read and very interesting...mmm...conspiracies and theories.
Digital Fortress
- from the writer of Davinci Code. Really great read. But it was predictable at some points but it was a great read nonetheless.