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Thursday, October 14, 2004

new blog!

Check out the newly redesigned site at

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

virgin to launch new portable player

Virgin the huge brand founded by RIchard Branson will be launching their own portable hard drive player. It will hold 5 gb of music, it weighs about 3.1 ounces with 8 hours of playback. It will be competing against the mini ipod but one thing that makes it different is that it can play well with others. It can read any music in the windows media format as well as mp3 which means that you can d/l music from any online store and have it work with it.


Monday, October 11, 2004

6 tuner pvr!

Snapstream has a great do it yourself for a 6 tuner pvr! You read that right. 6! I personally would never need 6 tuners, but the fact that I could is awesome!

With their configuration, I would definitely up the RAM to 1 gb, and the harddrives to 2-250 gb harddrives so I could have a bunch of shows on it that I will possibly never have the time to watch, unless it's another crack laden weekend. But thats once a a month...uhh... i mean never again.

So check it out and buid one for yourself!


moment of silence

I would like to take a moment of silence today as Christopher Reeve, aka, Superman has passed on over the weeken due to complications from an infection.

I normally don't do this but Christopher Reeve did a lot for spinal cord research and his activism did a lot for people to recognize that more can be done.

Good Bye Mr. Reeve. You will be missed and forever remembered.

Friday, October 08, 2004

podcasting...tivo for your radio

Wired has a great little article about podcasting which is similar to rss feeds for text but it works with radio. You can choose to listen to your favorite radio program that you normally cant listen to, it then pushes the program to your ipod automatically.

This is great for many people because of the time constraints for listening to your favorite radio program.

Man, this makes me really want my ipod! Argh!


finally...7.1 sound for a laptop

Creative Labs has come out with a new sound card for notebooks, the Sound Blaster 2 zs Notebook, which will enable notebook users to have true 5.1 or 7.1 sound. The card works via the pcmcia slot.

This is great news, as the usb products didn't work too well and they were clunky taking up lots of desk space.

Sound Blaster 2 zs Notebook

60 gb ipod to pack color screen?

Here's another rumor abuout an iPod with a color screen. Think secret has started a rumor saying that the new 60gb iPod will have a color screen, and work with iPhoto and show pics as well as have video out capabilities. The new 4th generation iPod chipset does have the ability to do this but will it really have it? This rumor was originally stated quite a while back before the new 4g came out, but it never came to bear any fruit.

Since I haven't gotten my iPod yet because I've been waiting for the 60gb to come out, I now really hope this is true....please please please please.

Think secret

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

best buy introduces own product line of tv's

Best buy has launched their own line of tv called insignia. They said this move was done to fill gaps in their current product offerings. We'll see how they do. I am sure that Best Buy will begin pimping these products as much as others since the profit margins are fatter.



There is rumors aboung that Roccafella founder Damon Dash will be introducing a new hard drive based mp3 player. It will look similar to the ipod but without the wheel. Only the 4 buttons like the 3G ipods. I think this will make the player a bit clunky to use for searching through music, but oh well. Its a "rocca' player. So I'm sure people will buy it because people will buy anything with his name on it.

blogger founder leaves google

Blogger founder Evan Williams, the master blogger, has decided to leave google. This is a sad note, but not surprising as blogger was bought by google in an all stock deal. This probably made Williams a multi millionaire after the ipo. I'm sure that he sold some shares and now just wants to travel and think about new ventures to start.

I wish he'd invest in my companies.

evan says bye

palm + exchange

Palm has become a new licenser of miscrosft exchange. This now means that you can integrate your treo mail service directly with MS Exchange without worrying about third party software.

Read the full article here.

treo + rim

News came abound from Palm that the Treo line will have access to RIMs technology. We all know, or should know about RIM. They are the creators of the Blackberry, aka the Crackberry. Basically push email, so whenever you get email it will be forwarded to your device, instead of the current way which is pull, meaning that you have to dial in to get your email.

This method blows as it can be slow. But now that RIM and palm will work together it's going to be fun.
